Advent Calendar day 5
Welcome to the fifth day of our little advent calendar! First a big thank you for all your lovely comments. And the great inspiration that you all gave me for the creation of scents for soaps!
Today, I am posting from winter wonderland again (we got an inch or two of snow again) and I do so a bit late as I had guests yesterday: a “business dinner” so to say. I cooked and it got late as we had everything, from apero, salad, main course with lentis, potatoes and ham, and an apple desert. Why business dinner?… because we prepared the “Duftapero” (scent gathering) that takes place this very Saturday in Zurich. We (Pascal from Medieval art&vie, the bookshop where all started and where the world saw the first tauer perfumes on a shelf with a price tag) and me do this every year, once, and as every year this year will be special. Tuberose, and Jamine and Orange blossom are in the air, as I will show some absolutes from white flowers. And we will read some lovely texts that are about scents and memory and love.
So, yes, everything tauer perfume related started about 8 years ago, and it is just an amazing story with lots of ups and downs. A lot has changed. For instance my flacon. But one thing still is the same: All flacons are filled and labelled by myself, sometimes with a little bit of help. That’s why I post today’s picture, taken in the factory yesterday: A naked flacon, in front of a 10 liter glas dispenser, with Incense extrême.The factory: two rooms.
And here is the prize of today, as I look back, a bit sentimental, to where and how everything started in this little Zurich bookshop: Today, you can win a copy of D. Alawi’s book “Le Snob: Perfume”. (in English or German). I am still waiting for my English copy to be delivered, thus, the prize will ship mid Dezember. I will sign and leave a little note inside, as some of my scents are reviewed in this lovely book, and as I have a page there where I say something serious.
In order to enter the draw: Just leave a comment here. Anything goes, and if you wish, you may share your preferred perfume book. I have many favorites. But there is a perfume flacon book that I truly love: Bernard Gangler “Parfums de Collection, deux siècles parfumés”, truly inspirational.
Comments are closed. See December 6 for the continuation