back from LA
I feel I have used today’s post title a couple of time in the past: “back from LA”! But I cannot remember coming back right into such a spring explosion like this year. Tulips, hyacinths, green grass, mint leaves pushing through, and inside the house a gardenia bringing up new sprouts and creamy flowers. Just wow!
Actually, the post’s title could also be ” back from JT”, as I spent most of my time there, in Joshua Tree national park. Think “camping, making coffee in the morning, after a night in the high 40-ies, jogging, preparing breakfast, eggs and stuff, hiking JT, taking some pictures, picnicking, getting ready for sunset, and cooking food in the evening. I made sure to always have my vegetables with my steak: Mashed potatoes, vegetable stew, grilled paprika.
This year, they did not get of rain in JT, and hence the bloom was modest.
Back in Zurich, there is a lush green and blooming plants everywhere. And work, which is fine, too. Today, I organized a parcel pick-up in the factory, and thus, I need to run down there in a minute and will leave this post here. My goal was to say “I am back anyhow”. And maybe I should add “with a couple of ideas”? JT does wonders there.
Here’s the thing: Ideas grow slowly, and need calm moments to pop and bloom, like desert creatures waiting for rain.
And here is another sketch of a typical JT boulder ( I publish it in larger resolution on my facebook site). Enjoy!