piles of things
Today’s picture is a bit an odd one: it is a picture from one of the walls in the “factory”, where I piled up the boxed packages of air du désert marocain. Pieces of 24 in cardboard boxes, piled up to form sort of a tauer tower. Some more need to go there, but there is no hurry anymore as I did some 750 of air du désert boxes, sufficient to serve the markets for a while.
Recently, I have been piling up things on a variety of levels: Paintings everywhere, trial perfume bottles on the bench, many of these for tauerville, and I was piling up papers. Actually, a lot of papers. I mentioned it a while ago: When exporting perfumes from a non European Union Country to the European Union you need to get them registered in a central EU database, you need a “responsible person” and you will need to produce a lot of papers, with funny information printed on them. In order to have a legal standing with your products in the EU: No way around it.
But the pile that I love most is my air du désert marocain pile. If the house does not burn down: No worries there. Although it is tauerville related, I might actually talk about it in more details in the future as it comes with some sort of fun factor and irony. But I save this for later 🙂
With the in mind, we can start worrying about other things. And trust me: There is always something to worry about in the world of perfume making and production. Which is good as it keeps me young and alert. And it is bad as there is always an element of uncertainty… like: Do I get enough of this or that to make the next batch of this and that? And: Will it be the right quality?