still waiting for spring
To be honest: I have seen it. Big time. Now it is time for spring’s colors. At least when it comes to my humble opinion. But nature needs a couple of weeks more. Thus, we engage in pampering surrogates: Buying tulips and playing with tuberose molecules.
Today, I am busy with some production, boxing, shipping issues.
And tomorrow, I am in Milano.
Thus, you might hear again from me on Friday. In the mean time, I hope you have more sun than we have here….
Today’s picture shows you a scanned tulip that I got yesterday. There is a hint of a fragrance to the plant (the flower buds are not open, yet). It is green and reminds in lily of the valley. A hint of spring.
“EDITED after posting: I forgot to send you the link for the latest on Mandy Aftel’s and mine exchange, hosted by Nathan who is always so nice to publish our open letters on his online space. Thank you Nathan! And here is the latest on where we are with fire tree. Enjoy! -> Click here.”