ZETA samples
today’s picture is a teaser, showing you the first samples I did yesterday of the ZETA – a linden blossom theme- fragrance. In reality, the color is even more honey yellow sun like. Amazing. I feel it is the rose absolute that renders the fragrance so bright and sunny.
I put them in bright sunlight for the picture. But now they rest in the dark, as all perfumes should.
Tomorrow, I take the train and travel to Rome. I look so much forward to these three days. Although, I have to admit it right now and here: I will go to Rome soon again , in April, for 100% private reasons. Thus, as the W.-factor mentioned yesterday, I am truly blessed.
I really am and I try not to forget.
Thus, my next post will be early next week, I guess. For those of you who have not left a comment but wish to participate in yesterday’s draw: Here’s where you have to go…. click here. I will pick the winners later tonight (Swiss time).
And here is my reading hint for you: Giovanni from Fragrance Scout did a lovely interview with me. You find it here (English version click here). Thank you for your interest and have a lovely time!