Today’s picture shows you a boxed gardenia fragrance sitting on a quick watercolor sketch that I did yesterday. It did not work out (the watercolor). But I did two rose illustrations that both worked well and that made me happy. So, yes, there was time yesterday to do a lot, to jog, to paint, to […]
Good morning to you all! The other day, I did what I rarely do: I was reading a perfume lover’s description/rating of one of my scents on one of my retailers website. Actually, I was looking for a particular information there. And then, you know how it happens, you end up reading this and that, […]
There we go: Eau d’épices is on its way back, very soon, onto the shelves in tauerville, and a few other scentvilles in the world. In order to celebrate this happy news, I came up last Friday with today’s picture, a watercolor painting, done with watercolor pencils that I was given as a gift and […]