EU taxes (VAT) covered by us …. soon
New: Starting July 1, we cover the VAT for you when you order with delivery to the EU.
Here ‘s a quick update about changes by the European Union and taxes: everything changes. New: no minimal amount for VAT. Everything that comes from outside of the EU will be taxed. Wow. Even 15 Euro samples from non EU Switzerland will be taxed VAT, for instance 19% VAT in Germany plus handling fees….
But wait.
We adjust, too. From July 1 on we cover the VAT for you. Whereever you are in the EU. When importing from tauerperfumes.com, Switzerland, to the EU, you should not have to pay VAT. We take care of that.
What has not changed: we cannot ship any alcohol containing products except for these countries: Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and USA (through our warehouse there). By July 1 we should be able to send full size bottles to Germany, again.
We expect that the changes on the EU side are going to be implemented a bit bumpy. Not every customs organization in the EU seems to be ready. So… we will have to be flexible. And maybe wait a bit until the new IOSS regime works smoothly.
Thank you for your patience 🙂
Interested in reading more?
Here’s what the changes in e-commerce taxation in the EU mean for you as consumer in the EU: EU consumers | Taxation and Customs Union (europa.eu)
Overview: IOSS | Taxation and Customs Union (europa.eu)