experimental work in the flow
Today’s picture is an experimental work from 10 days ago. Mixed media (ink, watercolor, acrylic) on cardboard, about 1m diameter, thus pretty large. For this painting, I just let things happen and flow and I followed the flow, or the ideas that came up. In the end I called it “the annunciation”. A bit pompous, I know, but maybe a church will buy it if I call it annunciation (just kidding).
A side note: Naming things is so important. This is even more true for perfumes.
I use this picture today, after a week silence on the blog, for a particular reason. The last week was super. In all varieties. Super busy, super crazy, super exciting and super rewarding. With Lonesome Rider, I did something that is a bit off; off from how things are done in the industry. And yes, not everybody loves it, because… well, because if you’re breaking some unwritten rules there will always be someone telling you that you shouldn’t.
Looking back, a couple of weeks ago: I have to tell you that there was no plan really. Then, one Sunday, I had the idea of doing a lonesomerider website. And I did it that Sunday afternoon. Then I had the idea of using gumroad there. Then I figured I want to do a special offer. And thus, like in the painting, I was following a flow and let things develop. Now that the site is live and now that we pre-sold like way more bottles than expected: I am continuing in the flow. I have to decide when to stop with the special offer and will do so in the next days. A special offer (I am talking about the price) needs to be special and limited in time.
And then? To be honest: I have no plan, but I see how lonesomerider.website can become a place where I share whatever comes up. An experiment with open outcome. Nice.
Also nice: I am a little bit a planning monster, trying to come up with excel data sheets that define how when to do what.
Not here: It is sort of liberating. And if it’s all going to be a mess at some point? No worries because there’s the flow.