I do not know about you, but for me the upcoming holidays are about handicrafting; they always were. As kids we used to make our gifts to parents and uncles and grandmas ourselves. I am not sure whether the little things that I made were always entirely presentable as gifts, but then: Hey! They were made by a kid’s hand and therefore: Special.
These days, when looking for gifts, especially for adults, I have one parameter that is sort of key: They must disappear after a while. Because most adults who I know have everything already and cannot use much more that sits on a shelf for years. In that sense, the perfect gift must disappear with time.
Like perfume. Perfume is a perfect gift as you are giving something that is made to vanish into a big smelly cloud and then nothingness. Soaps are perfect, too. Everybody needs soaps and they will be gone quickly; again -if perfumed- leaving a nice scented trail.
This year, I want to try making “bath foam bombs”, these round or heart or rose shaped things that you put into the batch and they make foam, ideally lots of fine foam, perfumed, with a rose scents. In a couple of days, I shall get everything that is needed for that venture. I worked on the scent over the weekend. Just a rose, with some vanilla, that should bloom in a Swiss mountain like monstrous foam hill when the bomb is put into the bath tub. That’s the plan at least.
It was super nice to work on a scent that does not need to go into a bottle one fine day.
Maybe the best part: I will have to test run it.