today’s picture going with the blog post would work lovely with a couple of thoughts that jump forth and back in my mind.
It is a picture of a bag of chips that I took (the picture not the chips) in the local supermarket over the weekend. Regular chips, not the children size optimized chips that you would find towards the bottom of the shelf. I cannot help it, but I feel being treated like a baby and pampered and advised like a child. Listen to the weather news and start wondering why she talks in baby language to us, and why half an inch of rain is a drama. Detergents, cars, food, insurances: presented on TV seemingly to a round of brainless weirdos.
In the world of perfumes I see similar twisted revelations that seem to address a perfume lover with zero brain volume rather than a thoughtful consumer, too. Start reading the PR texts that are published by magazines, blogs and discussed in boards and immerse into silly flowers that don’t exist and bath in most expensive perfumes made from the most expensive oils from Laos, and if you feel like it, you might even loose yourself in a daily reverie about the art of perfumery presenting itself in every second bottle or installations around the block. Exuberance beyond healthy limits.
To be honest: When I have time, I love to read the perfume related PR, and it makes me smile, mostly. Most of the PR is so twisted.
I could use the jumpy picture to reflect on the end of February, too. As Ms. weather fairy told us the other night: It is about time that the bad, bad, bad winter weather makes room for the nice, nice, nice spring sun. So I join in here: I am about ready to jump into spring. And with it will come yet another round of ritual desk cleaning in the coming days. Time to get rid of some NOONTIDE petals experimental work and get the real thing out. And while I am getting ready to jump into spring: Time to get autumn organized.