Nordic summer
Back from Helsinki with a lovely gift for a birchtar lover like me: Nordic Summer! “Nordic Summer (see today’s picture) is an insect repellent, a creamy paste, like a solid fragrance actually, that smells deliciously and rough and rich from: BIRCH TAR! Yes. And yes: I haven’t used birch tar in any of my compositions lately. That was an interesting moment for me, when I should my line to a round of perfume loving friends Friday night. I went from Le Maroc to the Air du désert marocain and moved on until we reached the Pentachords (and later Tableau de Parfums). And yes, presenting some of my scents of the last 7 years within 1-2 hours, I realized that I have already gone a long way from where I started. But I can still see where I started. And I feel I learned a lot while marching up and down. So that was very good!
I also learned a few more things staying up north. Like that the sun is really weaker, and closer to the horizon. And thus, the light is different and so are the colors. And another thing I learned: Birch tar (and pine tar) are a big thing up there. And guess what: I felt very much at home there. But I think this was not only due to the scent of birch tar. I had such a warm reception and the (short) two days in Helsinki were sunny, warm and untainted by any cloud. There was not too much time for sight seeing, but I managed to get around a bit and I liked a lot what I have seen.
I guess I need to come back one fine day. Maybe, for a change, in winter?