
orange and now velvet

So I picked an orange colour for the soap wrapping paper: Pantone Orange 021 PC. It is a slightly “dimmed” orange,  not loud, but still orange. It is hard to  pass this on via a monitor or a photo, but maybe the packaging prototype on a bright orange leather gives you an idea. Actually, in reality, it looks much nicer.  Ah well…. I changed the text position in the mean time  and moved it all more to the middle. The rest, I will leave as is.

By the way: The soap packaging is sort of smart. It needs only one sticker, a lot sticker, that seals the outer cellophane bag. The paper is folded in a way that its ends hold each other and no glue or sticker is needed there. The soap itself is wrapped in cellophane to protect the scent.

Next: Actually make them, the soaps, now.

And pick a nice blueish greyish velvet violet kind of color for the tuberose soap that does not remember of lavender or violet.