skin and about counseling
Today’s post is sort of easy as the picture already sort of says it all, and I can use the picture to tell you what happens around here. It is hot. I think Sunday was the hottest day of the year. We are all sweating like horses and try to get out of the house early in the morning, and with as little fabric as possible around us. And perfumes are not really what you want to wear in full heat.
Mostly, I go without perfume all day anyhow, and wear my scents in the evening, or overnight, but yesterday night, before going to the gym, I felt like “give me something nice to smell”, and I grabbed for my Cologne du Maghreb. For those who want to check it out in my shop: Nope, you cannot buy it (yet) from my shop. You get it exclusively these days from Indiescent.com or from First in Fragrance (Aus Liebe zum Duft). As it is fleeting like all cologne should be I usually spray it on before putting my T-shirt on. Thus, it lasts for a while, and the scent stays with me for a while. What I personally like about it: This cologne has a twist. A woody amber twist that lasts.
I wanted to get something smelly because finally my nose was getting input again, after two days of a heavy cold and everything that belongs to it. It is nice not to sweat anymore, not to deal with a clogged or dripping nose and to smell again, at least a bit. Full resurrection might take a bit longer., though. The picture you see today is actually a picture of my upper arm that I took on Saturday, after taking a super hot sweat bath. That’s about as much skin as you can expect on this blog.
Ah, and yes: Talking about “what you can expect”. These days, I get a lot of mails from perfume lovers who want to either make perfumes, need technical advice, or start a career or want to get there where I am right now. I am not entirely sure why this is, but it is like that. The last two weeks it has been 1 or 2 mails a day. Sounds like nothing but it is endless, as the first answer brings the next two mails back. And hence, I become the longer the tougher and my answers the longer the shorter. Soon, I might stop answering altogether, or will send a few words only, like “I am very sorry, but I do not have a counseling business.” As much as I can understand everybody who asks: It gets annoying and too much. Or maybe I should open a consultant business on the side.
When I started my venture, I got a few books and thought about things independently. And I feel this is the key factor if you want to become an innovative, truly creative creator: Do not look for the simple path where you find all information in books and by asking others who already marched your path. Trust me: They went their way themselves and it was important that they did so. This is true for most aspects of creating things.
Anyhow, even with the nose not in a state where it could smell anything: I had the most vivid impressions of patchouli at some point, when thinking patchouli. In a sense, I do not need to smell the real thing. That’s a comfort for the days when I am old (like really old) and my sense of smell diminishes.
Another aspect of today’s picture: Towards the bottom of the picture you see the marks of a pox vaccination. Yes, I am born 1964 and am part of the generations who got a pox vaccination. Thanks to human ingenuity, mankind does not have to worry about pox anymore. Today, you do not to get pox shots anymore as pox are eradicated.
Here’s a cheers to human ingenuity!