soaps and VOD and a good piece of reading
Uff. that was quite a week. And guess what I will do tonight? Watch movies! And try to read a few things and smell a few its and bits all into the weekend.
In case you feel like me after a long week, here a few hints, and announcements and wishes.
Miriam, the film section from the Woman’s Picture movie that inspired the fragrance with the same name is now available as Video On Demand (VOD) on Evelyn Avenue or on Luckyscent.com. I have seen Miriam about 10 times and love this movie by Brian Pera and will soon see it again. Click here for the movie on Evelyn Avenue, or here for the same on Luckyscent.
If you wish to do some reading: Why not start with Vanessa Musson’s thoughts on things to think before starting a perfume blog. Even if you do not want to start your own blog: It is very worth reading, it is on Now Smell This and I hope to see more from Vanessa there. Click here for the article.
And if you want to smell a soap that you cannot buy and that I created for Brian’s launch of his Evelyn Avenue shop, a rose scented soap, that is green and spicy and rosy, well then you might consider getting Miriam, the fragrance (purse spray size or the 50 ml flacon) or a DVD in Evelyn Avenue’s shop. These days, any order of these products come with a complimentary soap, made by myself, as long as supply lasts. Click her for the Evelyn Avenue store.
And now, after the commercial interruption, comes the wishes section: I wish you a lovely weekend and hope it will be fragrant.