Pitti 2016

The first version of Air du désert marocain, lot 001

11 years of air du désert marocain

It is 11 years that L’air du désert marocain exists. I launched it 11 years ago in the most simple flacon you can imagine (see picture of today). It has been quite a journey since then…. Overall, the journey brought me up to new lands and discoveries, but it was a bumpy way, with many […]

Pencil illustration of Marylin Monroe
what's up?

smelling perfume brings the brain into a different state

Over the weekend, I was also playing with scents. It always helps calming down. I guess you experience the same: Smelling perfume brings the brain into a different state. To me, it is a state that comes close to meditation. The same is true for drawing, thus today’s picture: The Sunday pencil sketch of yesterday. Two […]