San Francisco


greetings and an outlook

Right now I am sitting in front of my room at the Harmony Motel in 29 Palms, heading for the Joshua Tree National Park soon where I will stroll around and do some sketches if I feel like it. Maybe I will just hang out on a boulder and do not much more than watching […]

what's up?

I will be in San Francisco for an event that rocks

Monday, I’ll fly out of town. April 7 and 8, if you are in the area, we’ll rock at the Tigerlily Perfumery in San Francisco. We, that’s a bunch of perfumers, Apruil 8, and it will be fun, for sure. April 7 is sort of “my day” and I am so excited: I will present […]

general thoughts

last minute preparations

Sorry for not talking too much lately. I was busy filling the tauer factory with stock of some goods before I leave for the US for a trip that will bring me to Chicago (Q Brothers), LA, SF (Tigerlily) and back to LA again for events. In LA I will be attending the Awards ceremony […]

general thoughts

back. and resurrection

I got back yesterday from a great trip, one of the greatest trips to the US. Just wow! When home I took today’s picture in the living room where I put some of my paintings. They sit there, not on the wall or so, and when entering the living room watching them I felt home […]