
creating scents

a teaser photo

finally, we are all, hopefully happily, landed in 2018. Me, too. And as every year, I use the transition from old to new year to clean my desk and make room for myself. It usually lasts a few days only until paper and perfume bottles start covering it again. On top of it sits a […]

general thoughtsTableau de Parfums

a word on vintage

It is a question of style and of exclusivity: Vintage perfumes are pointers and gateways into a past we seem to remember but cannot really grasp. A post that is gone. A world that is different to our world. Today’s post is , as promised, on Miriam, the first fragrance of the Tableau de Parfum […]

creating scentsmaking ofTableau de Parfums

on the perfume MIRIAM for Tableau de Parfums

looking back is not always easy. Proportions fall apart and perspectives change. Looking back is like walking through a dark tunnel and the longer the tunnel is the smaller everything looks on the other side. The perfume MIRIAM that I created a while ago for Tableau de Parfums is a perfume where we look back […]