this and that
What a great weekend! It was rich, full, work loaded, and with a couple of fun activities. Most of them were actually not really fragrant, I have to admit. More communication related. But then: Perfume business is communication business. Sometimes, however, I stop answering mails. Like …when discussing forth and back to where we ship, what, for what price, ending up with an email where it says “can you ship samples or 1 explorer size to test a scent first, please. The “please” is nice, though. I always wonder how many “samples, please” mails a company like Chanel gets.
Talking about samples: I introduced a minimal order of 10 Francs a year ago, more or less. Because we got too many 1 sample orders. 10 Francs=2 samples. Packing and shipping 1 sample does not make sense. Actually, packing and shipping 2 samples makes a bit more sense, but not much either. It is a service more than a business. But, to be honest, I do not mind. But midterm, I need to optimize how we pack and ship. I do not like these envelops that we are using.
Anyhow: A lot of mails over the weekend, but I managed to fiddle around a bit with the lemon blossom theme; not sure what this will result in, though. A lot is missing there. The real thing, the lemon tree, is still blooming and soon I will pick the two lemons that turned yellow now. How cool’s that? Lemons from Zurich!
And I managed to paint a bit. I was brave over the weekend and did some experimental mixed media pictures. Like today’s rose. Mixed media means here: Oil and watercolor. The oil color is a special quality: Water soluble. I used it as white background layer and went over it with watercolor, enjoying the brightness and density and nice effects it gives. Amazing.
I feel I need to be braver with my lemon blossom trials, too.