this is a promotional post
I learned to my surprise and all happily that my fragrance ORANGE STAR made it as finalist into the category niche for the 2010’s FIFI award.
This award is voted for by UK basenotes members (only the UK members votes count) and if you are interested in voting or learning more: Here’s the link (click here). It is organized in partnership with Basenotes and it is all exciting. At least for me.
The finalists can go to the diner (for free) and I booked my flight yesterday for London, hoping in and out within 24 hours, and a gala diner in between. Feels good and strange at the same time, if you know what I mean.
Another diner takes place today: I will speak about the “Duft aus dem die Träume sind” (literally translated: the fragrance that is part of our dreams ) and do a little tour on self and scents for a friend who organizes get togethers. And I am invited for another free diner.
Thus, spring came with a bunch of happy news. Today’s picture shows you an anemone that I picked for a later scan yesterday in the woods, while picking bear’s garlic for our daily salad. Spring is just great!