unveiling things
Today’s picture shows you a look into the Pitti Fragranze hall from behing the decorative fabric that hung from the ceiling to cover the walls of what used to be a train coach maintenance hall of a train station. I find it always very interesting to look behind things, or from behind. Looking back to Pitti from a distance, I realize (again) how many brands there are in the world of “niche” and how many perfumes there are in this world, presented by these brands. Actually, I discussed this aspect also with Michael Edwards, the author of “Fragrances of the world”, THE perfume compendium. His book gets bigger and bigger every year. In Munich, we ended discussing the never ending flow of new launches and brands, too and in a sense I came to a conclusion.
Almost nobody, not even the professionals, can fully follow the tide of scents and concepts. The perfume lover is out there in this ocean of bottles and ideas, sort of lost sometimes. Thus, what do you do? You look for peers. Folks you trust, selecting and providing guidance. I feel this is where the blogs and communities come in. The longer the more. Of course, this role as peer comes with a responsibility.
And this is where selective perfumeries and selective online shops come in. Selective in the sense: We bring you just the best. Beyond what you get everywhere. This may have different meanings in different regions, though. I wait for the day until Amazon discovers niche perfumes.
Anyhow. Here is a little treat, in case you have not seen it yet. Me packing Miriam. And talking about why and how. It is a bit on the long side but I figured you might find it interesting.
You can watch it here, on my vimeo channel. Actually, it is a packing video, complementing some unpacking video that you find on youtube. Enjoy, while I pack some Tauer Perfumes in the same location.