wet poppy
we had finally some rain here in Zurich and it felt like a relief. The air feels clean like a towel after a thorough washing cycle. My giant poppy in the garden got wet too and the snails came back from hiding and have eaten about half of the coriander’s lush green. Well, then. Everybody gets its share I guess. I got my share of boxing and shipping last week.
The last few days saw me boxing and shipping a lot of orders for retailers due to my trip to the US. I will stay there for two weeks. The next week sees me filling up stock with boxed perfumes and samples and I will start working on the new warehouse.
Here’s the plan: I take it over, officially next Tuesday morning. Then I paint a bit, with one wall in a light blue. Then we make the floor together with the W.-factor and my brother. And then I fly out. When back from California, I will start moving in. Hundreds of boxes. I guess it is a good idea to start moving these boxes AFTER the holiday.
Today’s picture: A detail from the wet red poppy. I wish you a lovely Sunday. Enjoy!