Yesterday's salad
Today’s picture: Yesterday’s salad. With a promise: I won’t convert this perfumery blog into a foodie blog.
But still: It was a great salad, and as we eat salad on a daily basis, and tons of it, I have to come up with innovative dressings from time to time. Yes: no dressing from the supermarket in the house of tauer. Yesterday’s dressing featured: Clear vinegar and olive oil extra as base, with salt and pepper. Added herbs and spices: Garlic/a lot, capers, and thyme, chives, arab mint finely cut and: lavender flowers, freshly picked. I guess, lavender essential oil might work well, too. Although, to be honest, I prefer the real thing, the flowers and buds.
The lavender goes extremely well with salad; What can we learn for perfumery here? Hmmm. Not much, I guess. Except maybe: The possibilities are endless. This is true for salad dressings and for perfumes. I will keep this in mind when hitting my olfactive studio today, on my creative Friday, where I am going to work on a few specialities (fragrances) and a picture (watercolor. Don’t ask…). I will soon go to a class for watercolors. Next week, unfortunately, there will not be much time to be creative; I have help in the factory, for two weeks, labelling Gardenia, boxing, packing, building more stock of perfumes for after the summer. I am looking forward to that and might need to get used to the idea of speed painting.
Thus, happy Friday here! One last thing: I took the picture to share with friends, yesterday. Looking at it again this morning, I realized that the colors are neatly matched. Yellow-violet. Red-green.
Nice! More on colors and their relationship, complementary, primary, secondary et al.: You might want to briefly check wikipedia here.
May your Friday be colored, too. Enjoy!