a little gift and the artist curse and a news
Did you know? We have a new fragrance…. Les Années 25 BIS. It is not a flanker of Les Années, but rather a new interpretation of vintage -my love!- and a second take of the big classics of the last century. Do not ask me why I rather wanted to do this than just make another batch of Les Années 25…. I guess this is part of the artist’s curse. Iin this case: it was worth doing it again. It got better . More on the artist’s curse: here’s a great video on youtube from DrawMixPaint.com (a conversation of Mark Carder with fellow artist Shirley Seput)
Artist curse=big thing to overcome.
And here is the link to the Les Années 25 BIS
And: I also have a little gift news for you. We always send a gift with full bottles purchase. These days, we also send you a miniature if you wish with full bottle purchase. Just let us know at the end of the check out in the comments field. We can offer one of these miniatures: Les Années 25 BIS, l’air des Alpes Suisses, l’oudh. And we can only send full bottles to: Switzerland, France, Austria and the USA. Thank you for your understanding.
I wish you a peaceful holiday season.