autumn groove
Here, at the foot of the alps, under heavy clouds, we get into full autumn mode. The light is grey, the colors of the painted trees faded, the streets reflect the dark clouds like wet mirrors, and the fruits of the year are harvested.
When I prepared today’s orders for the post, filling out the little green C22 forms for customs, I realized that it is October 25; which translates into end October, which is almost November, and this means time to think about the last few weeks of this year. The annual scent apero: The scent gathering that I organize together with Pascal, the shop owner of Medieval art&vie, the shop in Zurich where you can get my scents, exclusively in Switzerland, as it is there where all started….. I think I will do a CITRUS focused scent apero, showing my take on a cologne, too.
By the way: If you are in the region, we will do the scent apero on Saturday, December 11, Felsenegg Keller in Zurich 1, 17.00.
And time to think “advent calendar” again. My annual advent calender with some give-aways, funny posts and the countdown towards X-mas and the holidays. It feels like I need to prepare a few things there, too. I guess I will go into full end year getting ready mode any second.