Day 20 of my advent calendar
After yesterday’s guest day, over there at Perfumeposse: Welcome back again! It is day 20 of the advent calendar and you can win a sample discovery set by leaving a comment on this blog post. Good luck!
Today, when I got up, before the first coffee, I got bad news from Fedex: I could not talk to them as they sleep until 8 am. The bad news: the shipment with the last bottles of PHI-une rose de Kandahar was not transported and comes back. It looks as if Fedex totally messed up. I will talk to them in an hour and see what can be done. But fact is: As much as I like Fedex, this time they really messed up. Edited: 3 hours later. Actually, Fedex did not mess up but CLEAN UP in a perfect super organized way a mess that yet another third party left. Thus, this year’s grinch left early. and the PHI- une rose de Kandahar flies west. Tonight. Uff.
From a larger perspective this incident, that is not relevant if you contemplate the faith of this galaxy, highlights one of a couple of troubles running a perfume house: Logistics, logistics, logistics. And the holidays make it not easier. In this particular case, we bump right into the holidays and almost everybody who’s involved in my logistics chain will hide behind the fir trees in their home, and I will not see my parcel flying over the ocean until the holidays are over.
I guess, every year we get a visit by the grinch, here in the house of tauer. When meeting the grinch, here’s what I do: I shut down my face with a stiff upper lip and start looking forward to the Easter bunny.
But 2014 will see the PHI bottles, and air du désert marocain bottles fly over the ocean. Hopefully. And it will see me getting one year older, and hopefully finding some zen moments. ZEN or Grinch anyone?