on the perfume MIRIAM for Tableau de Parfums
looking back is not always easy. Proportions fall apart and perspectives change. Looking back is like walking through a dark tunnel and the longer the tunnel is the smaller everything looks on the other side.
The perfume MIRIAM that I created a while ago for Tableau de Parfums is a perfume where we look back and walk through this tunnel. On the other side, we discover a vintage like fragrance that I once described as bitter sweet memories of days long gone. For a detailed description by Brian: Have a look at Evelyn Avenue’s store page here.
Miriam is a fragrance that you could have smelled in the forties or fifties. Imagine a natural green aldehydic powdery tea rose, think light blue violet flowers, and green animalic, dry and earthy mossy violet leaves, think Mysore sandalwood. Actually, without going to much in to technical details: I use a violet leave absolute that I get from Biolandes and that is just wonderful. It is such a joy that you can still get these naturals today. As almost all good things in life it is quite expensive. It fits perfectly with my vision of how MIRIAM is supposed to smell. It has this vintage aspect. One reason is of course that you do not get a lot of fragrances these days where violet leaves are used in detectable amounts.
There is a scene in the movie that I have seen when creating the fragrance, where Miriam sprays a bit of perfume in to the room and goes “ahhhhh”. I wanted to create a perfume that brings about this effect. It makes you go “ahhhh”. And it fills the room, discreetly.
Today’s picture shows you a look through a keyhole in Rome.
Miriam will launch in early October in Los Angels at Luckyscent . I will not make it available on my Tauer website, but rather on Evelyn Avenue, and Luckyscent, as Luckyscent has supported our projects and made it all possible.