yesterday, we got another larger delivery. Pentagonal tin boxes. A huge pile in boxes of 24 each on 7 palettes. Today’s picture shows you these. It was yesterday that I was even more happy about the new warehouse than before. Finally room for the 5000 boxes. And almost no carrying around: Just put the stuff onto the little chariot, and move it from here (ramp) to there (storage room). So you see: We are in true happy territory these days. And yes: The 5000 boxes should help us getting through X-mas.
When moving into the warehouse we did our semi-annual stock counting and I know now what perfumes I have to mix. And before that I have to go ahead and figure out what raw materials I need and need to buy some essential oils. This is, says my bookkeeper, always a very dangerous time… Andy goes essential oil shopping and he hardly ever sticks to the list of things he needs.
In this corner of the world, the economy is buzzing and as everybody is fully booked out, buying things often translates into waiting for quotes first and then waiting for goods. Thus, in a sense, I am happy I got everything together for Tableau de Parfums, except the packaging and the labels. There, I am waiting and waiting and waiting for a quote. And you know how good I am at this…. The labels will go into production in the next two weeks and the packaging should go into production any time. Actually, I am getting ready for the first fragrance in the Tableau de Parfums series, called Miriam. The second one, anticipated launch date March 2012 will see my attention later in summer. But I got already the most expensive raw material that goes into it: Tuberose absolute. We spent a fortune for it at
Tomorrow (or over the weekend), I want to share with you a draft of how some things look there, at Tableau de Parfums. But first things first: Book October 7, 8, 9 in your agenda. At least if you happen to be in the LA area.
I am coming to town to show you Miriam. Brian Pera comes, too. Showing you THE movie.
I got my plane ticket. Please join in.