pink hyacinth
it is in full bloom, the pink hyacinth, down in the 2 meter square garden, and when getting closer to this delicate lady for a picture, the fragrance is close to overwhelming.
Thinking about it: This IS a perfect name for a fragrance… PINK HYACINTH.
Actually, its natural scent is overwhelming. And one fine day I wish to continue with hyacinth and come up with a nice, decent take on this flower. Without mechanic, if you know what I mean. If you don’t: here’s the hint to what I am talking about on PerfumeSmellinThings (click here).
The pink hyacinth that blooms right now next to a blue variety smells quite differently in comparison to the blue one. What is a roasted spicy undertone in the blue one, is a sweet caramel line with some silvery decoration on it.
I love hyacinths. Maybe on reason is its rareness. You cannot get hyacinths in the flower shops in autumn. Well, I guess you could if you really, really, really wanted it and did not worry about your CO2 footprint. But it would not be the same. Hyacinths belong to our spring. Basta. The same -by the way- is true for fresh asparagus or strawberries in March. They are everywhere in the shops, asparagus from Mexico or Peru, Stawberries from Morocco or Spain. And I am sure this IS wrong. It is wrong because waiting for these spring delights is part of the joy, and the CO2 footprint is so much larger than waiting and getting them from the farmer around the block.
And they taste better.
Thus, we wait … and while I do so, I pack more boxes and get shipments ready and while you do so , you may want to visit Elena’s Perfumeshrine blog and read her review on ZETA -a linden blossom theme- and make sure you take your chance to win a sample. Here is the link to her review.