sowing the seeds
I couldn’t resist picking today’s title for today’s post, shooting the right picture, and downloading the right tune on itunes…
Yesterday, the W.-factor and me (finally!!!) were sowing some basil seeds. It is summer, and we decided that we need basil leaves with tomatoes later this summer and that Andy should make a pesto, again later in summer.
And it is fruit time. All the fruits in the grocery market invite in yummie colors to grab them and eat them, immediately.
Thus, today’s picture illustrates this summer feeling a bit. When writing the post, I remembered a couple of things: My apricot essential oil that I got a while ago from Robertet, that resulted in trial version 3, a soft, fruity floral rosy edp on an ambergris background. I did it, liked it, did not know what to do, thought it did not last like all my other scents and moved on, all enthusiastically working on a hyacinth-lily-theme. This one, by chance, landed on my wrist before going to bed. It was there this morning, it was there this noon, surviving the fear sweat attack at the dentist office, the gym work out and the 45 minutes running, and to some extend the shower. I need to discuss this scent with a professional. It is spicy, floral, green, heady, and I do not know yet why it has a staying power that compares easily to the half life of plutonium.
Anyhow. I remembered the apricot-floral-rosy-ambergris scent, and I remembered that I need to label the 200+ Zeta bottles, and I remembered that I always wanted to try to do a limited (seasonal) offering. It is summer, and I am thinking about offering ZETA- a linden blossom theme- with something special, for a week or two, like for instance free shipping. To celebrate summer, sort of, and as an experiment, to see what happens. Sort of. I need to think about this one, while I smell the apricots.