stretch goals
Today’s picture: My pink little tulips are about to start blooming on the veranda/garden. It all started with a few bulbs and every year the patch of pink tulips gets larger. Nice! Like all early tulips they do not last long but I have different varieties of tulips in the garden, with varying time to bloom, thus there’s always a tulip in bloom for the next couple of weeks. Nice!
This week’s stretch goal of Andy: Building stock, and not much else. Thus, no tulip perfume experiments. Although, to be honest, I was never particularly intrigued by the scent of tulips. Too delicate, too… wimpy. I rather go for hyacinths. Bold and spicy and so heavy that bees fall off the sky when passing by.
But what I’ll do (and did the past few days): I am wearing trials in the factory, when not filling bottles or samples. Trials that need a couple of hours on the skin before I can make my mind up. For a couple of days because mostly a trial fragrance smells different one day and the other. And there is nothing better than skin to test them. Having said that: Ironically I do not think that I have the perfect skin to test scents. May that’s why most of my creations are pretty long lasting.