
general thoughts

40 days until the holidays

It is 40 days from here to X-mas. And believe it or not: I have the impression that I can already feel it. Shipments take a touch longer than normal and the queue at the post office is a touch longer, too.  Thus, a bit early ( I know) but still: if you consider getting […]

reviewswhat's up?

writing down ideas

It is about time for a new post here, after the most relaxing weekend imaginable and a ping-pong weekend jumping into spring mood on Saturday and winter’s icy grip on Sunday. Imagine: I was having a coffee on Saturday, sitting outside in the sun, wearing not much more than a light hoodie. And Sunday saw […]

what's up?

steaming factory

Here: Still super busy in the factory, filling packing, labelling. You name it! Hence, today’s picture: A quick selfie, taken early in the morning, with a somewhat determined look, like “Yes, I see you pile of work, but trust me: We’ll  get over there”.  A look that actually fits a lot of situations these days. […]

designwhat's up?

on ideas and what we do with them

On Monday afternoon, I wanted to write a post about design and that design is everywhere. And how it influences us and so on. I got sort of inspired by a quick picture that I took while waiting for the dentist in the dentist chair with the most spectacular view over one of Zurich’s growth […]