
what's up?


I have sent the newsletter out and since then I am a little bit under water. Thank you to all of you who ordered. The newsletter was about the miniature of PHI-une rose de Kandahar added to the miniatures (there are just two right now: PHI and LDDM, aka air du désert marocain), available here. […]

scentswhat's up?

Miniature of PHI-une rose de Kandahar

Yesterday, finally, I managed to add the miniature of PHI-une rose de Kandahar to the website (here’s the link). Hurray! Next: it will take quite a while until I add another fragrance in the miniature format. And I have not decided which one to add, yet. Filling them is a bit tedious and the logistics […]

making of

the miniature of air du désert marocain is here

I have uploaded the miniature of L’air du désert marocain on my website. It is so cute. Finally, it is there, together with the 5ml attar. Details of the deal, after long discussions with friends, and bookkeepers: The l’air du désert miniature comes with free shipment and it sells for 15.-. The scent is […]