This is beta
Yes…. there we go. The last couple of days were busy and the next couple of days will be equally busy.
Busy because I got large orders that need to be packed and get ready. Today’s picture shows you a box, with 2x 24 pcs as I pack them for air transport. The fragrances are in a 24 pcs box. Surrounded hermetically by packing paper,in a special sturdy cardboard box, and (you don’t see that) sealed by a special tape and then sealed further and labelled and stored in another room for pick-up later.
There, in the other room on the third floor, I still have empty space and right now a pile of 14 of these boxes waits for pick-up, to fly to Saudi Arabia in the end. But wait: Things are more complicated. First, the goods will be collected, go to Germany, then to Dubai, then to Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, the goods go into a database for cosmetic goods and need to be “released for import”, so to say. Lucky me: I do not have to do that but my partner, www.lodore.com, does so.
Every time I got a pile like that finished and have it up there in the third floor I go like “uff!” and move on.
Right now, I am moving on with my body oil story. I got my post special price for NON dangerous goods and on that side: I am ready! I got the first body oil mixed and ready. Got a simple spray bottle, 50 ml, and wait for labels coming from the printing company. Then I will be ready. This is beta.
I showed the first body oil to a friend and she went like ” oh my… this is … amazing!”. The scent does not last very long, and this is by intention. But when applying the body oil, you get this amazing naturally rendered rose on a gourmand base, or I get it, and I am loving it. And the oil? Well, it is pure jojoba oil and absorbs perfectly and is actually the best you can get for your skin.
The body oil is 100% free of added preservatives, stabilizers, parabens, phthalates etc. Just the best jojoba oil there is, cold pressed, and fragrance (10%).
I will be able to ship this to most places (except places like Italy, where there is a customs issue and where I have an exclusivity contract). This will be a tauer exclusive. And a couple of business friends told me not to do it. I don’t listen. You have to do what you have to do. But to be on the safe side: This is BETA. Which is super exciting.
And with this, I am heading for the factory again: There are other shipments that need my attention.