marketing and branding


Before I got to Grenoble tomorrow, to discuss my offer with a potential retailing partner, not sure whether by car, though, due to some of the French folks on strike: Here a happy news!

Sort of.

Today, I got another letter from my Swiss lawyer, sending me the copy of the international protection confirmation (EU, US) of protection of the tauer logo and the design protection of the flacon. In Switzerland the brand name, the logo and the flacon is protected since a while. This, together with the protection of the brand name t-a-u-e-r got sort of necessary. Actually, it feels not 100% right. I rather like to invest my money into fragrant things. But then, I learned in the past, that this protection acts like an insurance of all the money you invest into a brand and the design.

And, as I am sort of clueless, my US lawyer (who took care on the tauer name protection thing as the US protection is more tricky) told me that I can  use the TM there and for the logo and the flacon, from now on.

OK.  There we go…

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