colors of soap
Yesterday, we packed a few more soaps, in my little room with a view, and a blue sky with a gentle October sun shining outside into trees in golden fire. When the sun shines into the piles of soaps, cut and ready for their cellophane-wrap and the paper wrap and the PP-bag, then the soaps start to gleam and shine in an all natural gold. The color comes from the essential oils of mandarine and clementine. And as I use a lot, a very lot of these oils, these soaps get a lovely natural color. (that’s we call them mandarines ambrées, by the way)
Before you switch into soap excitement mode, though: These soaps are a gift that a Zurich apothecary makes to his clients at the end of the year. We will not sell it.Yet.
We got the first 150 or so done and packed. But as the pouring and cutting is a bit slow, the W.-factor, quite artfully builds a soap pouring frame and my brother who works in glass produces a glass plate going into the frame to pour the soaps onto. We shall go into heavy duty pouring and cutting and wrapping mode next week. Actually, on a side note: For the frame we visited a local do it yourself shop thing. A shopping tour that I always love. It is such a down to earth environment, no fancy bling bling, but a lot of guys and girls checking out tools and machines and some of the machines are really big and the guys and girls are really butch, although I do not know whether a girl can be called butch. Well, I guess we loose topic here.
Besides thinking about shades of green, outside of any eau de cologne context by the way, I engage into more textual work over the weekend, writing open letters and stuff. Thus, stay tuned and visit us again next week. Finally, for those familiar with Spanish: Here’s a lovely take on the ROSE VERMEILLE on a Spanish blog called SHIMMU. Click here.
And here are my best wishes for your weekend, enjoy!