Advent calendar 2012

Give aways and goodies

Merry holidays!

Today’s picture shows you yesterday’s sky over Zurich: An explosion of colors under a sky turning dark, with a bright sun sinking into the horizon. A promise of a bright and colorful tomorrow. It is the last day of my advent calendar and I wish you and your beloved ones merry holidays and a peaceful […]

Give aways and goodies

Day 22 of the advent calendar

Today’s picture shows you a cozy moment yesterday night: Sitting with friends at their fire place, and talking into the longest night of this year, burning 10 years old beech wood from a tree that was getting too big and too close to their house. A dry and silent fire, without the fizzling and buzzing […]

Give aways and goodies

Lights and day 21 of the advent calendar

Welcome to day 21 of my advent calendar. It is nice to see you here and read all your comments.  Thank you! It’s about the lights, I thought, when hitting downtown Zurich yesterday. Snow was falling in thick, wet flocks that were melting into black roads and there were lights everywhere. Lovely. Also lovely was […]

what's up?

a first little Xmas panic blast and day 11 of the advent calendar

Welcome to the 11th day of my advent calendar! We are approaching half term soon (tomorrow) and wow! this basically tells me that there is not more than two weeks left for a trip downtown to go and get some gifts. And I haven’t done my Xmas cards yet. Shame on me. As every year, […]

making of

Day 9 of the advent calendar

Fragrant greetings from winter wonderland again! It is day 9 of our advent calendar and we look back to a most wonderful scent gathering downtown Zurich. We got snow, lots of it, on Friday, starting in the afternoon, and the next morning all was under a thick and pure and peaceful white blanket. The picture […]

making of

Advent Calendar day 5

Welcome to the fifth day of our little advent calendar!  First a big thank you for all your lovely comments. And the great inspiration that you all gave me for the creation of scents for soaps! Today, I am posting from winter wonderland again (we got an inch or two of snow again) and I […]

Give aways and goodies

Advent and cookies

Today is day three of my advent calendar and I wish you a lovely start into your week. Here, in Zurich, I woke up under the most beautiful winter morning sky; the picture shows you a little bit of this moment when the sunlight breaks through.  So I hope it will stay sunny today, sunny […]

Give aways and goodies

Advent calendar day 2

Fragrant greetings and a lovely Sunday to you, where ever you are. Today is the second day in my advent calendar and I thank you for stopping by on my blog. My childhood memories for this time of the year: Advent always came with specials that I would not get throughout the year. Special cookies […]

Give aways and goodies

Advent calendar 2012

It is this time of the year again: Advent, with its warmth and scents bringing back memories from our childhood. It is the time of the year where we prepare for the holidays, a time to look back to 2012, and to look forward into 2013. Click here to get to the advent calender 2012. […]