
general thoughts

an update about shipping

Greetings from Zurich where we survived the heat… Here follows an update about shipping perfumes. We still cannot ship samples or miniatures regularly in Europe. Overseas: we cannot offer samples either. For Europe, we are testing new shipment logistics these days, on selected markets, like Spain and the Netherlands. If this works, we will add […]

general thoughts

Important news: no more sample shipments possible

Here’s an important news that is somewhat terrible. As of today, we cannot send samples to the world anymore because of stricter implementation of the rules for transport of dangerous goods/perfume in Switzerland. The authorities/Swiss Post started to even send single 1.5 ml samples back. So there you go…. there is no alternative/affordable shipper and […]

making ofmarketing and branding

some lonesome statistics and stories

Here’s a some statistical data for you. I changed the sample pricing for my Lonesome Rider on and charge 4 $ (US) per sample now. I was kickstarted to do so after a couple of zero price orders from perfume lovers. Before I share the data, here a few anecdotes and bits that are funny. On […]

making ofmarketing and branding

smelling experimental stuff

The last few days were somewhat factory driven. And there was no time to paint or play. But I always took some experimental, new, exciting trials with  me and while labelling or packaging or answering emails I was smelling what I came up with over the last few weeks. Some tauerville, some Tauer Perfumes. Some […]

making of

Lonesome Rider

I just shared a little news today on Facebook and share it here with you, too. Lonesome Rider is up and running for presales on  (US and Switzerland for the time being) There, and only there, you can get samples and full bottles of Lonesome Rider. And there, and only there, you can get […]

what's up?

liquid poesy and pinterest

Today’s picture shows you what I did in the factory, yesterday: Samples, Orange Star samples in this particular case, filling vials and putting the labels on for the various references by the hundreds. Again, I am building up stock, at least a bit, like a squirrel in autumn collecting nuts and storing them for winter, […]

making of

PHI, making samples, and a question

It is PHI time, in the house of tauer. PHI, une rose de Kandahar, a scent scheduled for November, to appear in the COLLECTIBLES line, with samples and product ready for pre-ordering in  a few days from now, is sort of limited in numbers for a while as I did only a limited batch. I […]

making ofwhat's up?

anthropology, wasteland : must be the moon

I am not really a guy who dances around oak trees under the moon celebrating Donar or alike. I am a pretty much down to earth guy. Still, there are from time to time a few things happening that make me wonder, oddities, miracles. You name it. Oddities like the fact that adding a lot […]

what's up?

the perfect plan

Many of the last few posts were on upcoming, exciting, thrilling fragrant things like Loretta, changed packaging for 2013 and ideas for fragrances that might launch in 2013. Today, I talk about a bright happy short term future for Andy that comes with a price to pay. Vacations! I will leave my perfume business for […]

making of

a lot of things

These days are filled with a lot of things; unfortunately the need to get done things leave little room for playground things. Thus, we fill samples and prepare files and pictures and more for the upcoming Piti Imagine Fragranze exhibition and a few other future happenings. When I make samples, I usually make a bit […]